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"My Price-list"

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Adding the client


Adding the client

A client can be added by two ways:


  • - From the Clients tab

  • - When adding to an order


Creating the client from the Clients tab


  1. 1. Select the Clients item on the tab bar

  2. 2. Press + at the right top of the clients list and the data entry window will open for the item

  3. 3. Enter the necessary information and press Finish


Creating the client when adding to an order


  1. 1. Open the existing order or create a new order

  2. 2. In the section Information about the Client press Select Client… or, if the Client has been already

set in the order, Replace. And a list of added clients will open.

  1. 3. Press + in the top right corner of the window

  2. 4. Fill in the necessary information about the client

  3. 5. Press Finish on the right and then click Clients on the left

  4. 6. Select the newly created client from the list


The client editing window